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We met the Minister of Health this nation of 60,000,000 people and he was very supportive. With the help of Ministry of Health, we joined with the Yangon Children Hospital. Some of the projects that we accomplished are as follows:
We brought in a medical technician from India to repair critical equipment in the intensive care unit.
We sponsored 5 pediatricians to attend the international pediatric symposium in Houston Texas.
We sponsored a visiting obgyn doctor from Switzerland
We have arranged for the two heads of the ICU unit to visit Belgrade, Serbia and study for 6 months at the Institute for Mother and Child.
We have created a health poster which will be distributed throughout Myanmar by the Ministry of Health.
We have trained a team of clown doctors who are weekly treating every one at  the hospital.
This project has been a great success and much has been written in the Burmese press about this newly introduced program to improve the health of children , families and medical staff.

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