One of our team members came to us with a story of an NGO warehouse filled with supplies.
We were able to discover the Director of this Foundation and he agreed to donate some supplies to us so they would not continue to sit in his storage.
We also asked him what he needed and he requested wheelchairs for a local hospital.
We gave him 50 wheelchairs.
Then we went to visit his warehouse.
We discovered a quantity of Oral penicillin for children in the warehouse and we obtained 3,000 bottles.
We immediately distributed 1,500 bottles to numerous small town and village hospitals in Ukraine treating children.
We sent an additional 1,500 bottles to the Kharkiv Region.
Our partner, Father Serhyi, will distribute to the many children’s hospitals and clinics in the areas that have been recovered from the Russian Attackers.
This is going to be a cold and dark winter.
Many children will be sick with upper respiratory infections.
This medication will speed the road to recovery.

We are very grateful to our clever Team Member Igor #1, to the Director of the NGO - Orest Chemerys and ,of course, to God for giving us the strength and ability to help Ukrainian Children.