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During the war in Ukraine there was an urgent need for more emergency vehicles to provide transportation for the many civilians who were injured by the indiscriminate attacks by Russia.

After receiving several urgent requests, we decided to put a plan into action.


1. A volunteer ambulance team, PFVMH ( was in desperate need of another fully equipped ambulance. The market in Poland had been ruined by profiteers and every vehicle we inspected was in poor condition or extremely overpriced. We decided to fly to Serbia and search for a more reasonable market place.


2.    Regional Hospital in Bibrka, Ukraine contacted us because they had no decent ambulance in a 90-bed hospital which had increased to more than 200 beds since the war began. They only had a 40-year-old small rusted van with a mattress inside and this served as the ambulance. We again turned our focus to the Serbian market place.

We flew to Serbia and for 2 days we looked at numerous ambulances. On the third day we found an owner with two beautiful, fully equipped ambulances. We agreed on a price and the owner agreed to deliver the ambulances to the Ukraine border to both recipients.

3. The Lviv Psychiatric hospital has 500 beds. They contacted us because they had been overwhelmed by new patients which were being transported from the eastern Ukraine hospitals which were under heavy attack. The patient count reached over 1000, with more coming every day. The Hospital requested an emergency transport van in order to care for the patients.

We began a search in Poland for this van and after several days of searching and more than 7 hours of driving, we finally found a perfect vehicle. We purchased the vehicle and drove it back to Warsaw. We found a sign company who produced the required emergency identifications. We then prepared all necessary documents for this vehicle and drove it from Warsaw and across the Polish-Ukrainian border to the Lviv Hospital.

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